Balance 2

Co-cultures require a medium that maintains the delicate balance of proliferation and functionality for both cell types

2D Keratinocyte / Fibroblast Co-culture

Standard proliferation media do not deliver well balanced growth of 2 or more cell types in co-culture.

The new CnT-PR-CC co-culture omits the fibroblast inhibitory elements found in keratinocyte media, whilst in parallel providing an environment that also encourages moderate fibroblast growth in balance with the keratinocytes in regular 2D culture.

For 3D co-culture (full thickness skin model), the CnT-PR-FTAL is recommended (see below).

Test samples are available for qualifying customers.

FT Model

Full thickness skin model with fully natural dermal ECM, prepared using CnTPR-F followed by CnT-PR-FTAL for air-lift culture.

3D Co-Culture: Full Thickness Skin Models

Traditional methods for preparation of full-thickness skin models depended in the use of collagen I gels for the establishment of the dermal compartment.

This significantly increases complexity, cost and variability.

Using our novel high-ECM culture media, it is now possible to establish full thickness skin models without the use of collagen gels.

The entire dermal matrix is secreted by the fibroblasts, creating a fully natural and complex mix of ECM proteins.

This approch is simpler, faster, and more reproducible. For more details, please visit the features page.