Characterization of the canine mda-7 gene, transcripts and 2 expression patterns
Maninder Sandey, R. Curtis Bird, Swadesh K. Das, Devanand Sarkar, David T. Curiel, Paul B. Fisher, Bruce F. Smith
Auburg Uni
United States
Human melanoma differentiation associated gene-7/interleukin-24 (mda-7/IL-24) displays potent growth sup- pressing and cell killing activity against a wide variety of human and rodent cancer cells. In this study, we iden- tified a canine ortholog of the human mda-7/IL-24 gene located within a cluster of IL-10 family members on chromosome 7. The full-length mRNA sequence of canine mda-7 was determined, which encodes a 186-amino acid protein that has 66% similarity to humanMDA-7/IL-24. CanineMDA-7 is constitutively expressed in cultured normal canine epidermal keratinocytes (NCEKs), and its expression levels are increased after lipopolysaccharide stimulation. In cultured NCEKs, the canine mda-7 pre-mRNA is differentially spliced, via exon skipping and alter- nate 5′-splice donor sites, to yield five splice variants (canine mda-7sv1, canine mda-7sv2, canine mda-7sv3, ca- nine mda-7sv4 and canine mda-7sv5) that encode four protein isoforms of the canine MDA-7 protein. These protein isoforms have a conserved N-terminus (signal peptide sequence) and are dissimilar in amino acid se- quences at their C-terminus. Canine MDA-7 is not expressed in primary canine tumor samples, and most tumor derived cancer cell lines tested, like its human counterpart. Unlike human MDA-7/IL-24, canine mda-7 mRNA is not expressed in unstimulated or lipopolysaccharide (LPS), concanavalin A (ConA) or phytohemagglu- tinin (PHA) stimulated canine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Furthermore, in-silico analysis re- vealed that canonical canine MDA-7 has a potential 28 amino acid signal peptide sequence that can target it for active secretion. This data suggests that caninemda-7 is indeed an ortholog of humanmda-7/IL-24, its protein product has high amino acid similarity to humanMDA-7/IL-24 protein and itmay possess similar biological prop- erties to human MDA-7/IL-24, but its expression pattern is more restricted than its human ortholog.
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