CELLnTEC / Products / PR3D-HPEK-50


CnT 3D Epithelial Starter Kit, with Keratinocytes

Contains everything needed to establish 3D epidermal models with improved differentiation and barrier function in your own lab.

Catalog PR3D-HPEK-50
Content HPEKp cells, CnT-PR & CnT-PR-3D media, 48 x Cell culture inserts


  • Kit contains precision media specially formulated for both proliferation and 3D differentiation
  • Kits contains everything needed to create epidermal models with high barreir function
  • All kit components are fully compatible, ensuring reliable cell behaviour and modelling accuracy
  • Cost effective and convenient kit, contains all required products


3D keratinocyte starter kit with primary keratinocytes provides all components required for the establishment of 3-dimensional keratinocyte cultures with an improved barrier function. The kit includes primary human keratinocytes (HPEKp), CnT-Prime Medium (CnT-PR) for monolayer culture, CnT-Prime 3D Airlift Medium (CnT-PR-3D), and 48 cell culture inserts (0.4 um pore size). Optional extra: CnT-ST-100 stain solution for evaluating confluency prior to airlift. Note: The cells are of human origin and should therefore be handled as hazardous. Although it has been tested negative for HIV 1, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C, treat this material as potentially infectious, and use appropriate biocontainment, protective equipment and other precautions to prevent accidental exposure.

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500 ml media (2x) & 1 ml frozen cells (1x)
HPEKp cells, CnT-PR & CnT-PR-3D media

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Scientific resources


Improved barrier as seen by raman spectroscopy penetration profiles.

The 3D Starter Kit with Primary Keratinocytes (PR3D-HPEK-50) contains everything needed to establish 3D epidermal models with improved differentiation and barrier function in your own lab.

The kit contains primary cells (HPEKp), CnT-PR proliferation medium, CnT-PR-3D airlift medium, and 48 inserts for air-lift culture. For details, please see the datasheet.

The 3D models can be routinely established using our recommended protocol.

Following this protocol, the 3D models deliver up to a 50% better barrier function than traditional media. More detailed raman spectroscopy results can be found in the following link:

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Scientific Literature

Title Authors Year Tissue type
Development of 3D imaging technique of reconstructed human epidermis with immortalized human epidermal cell line Yu Inoue, Seiji Hasegawa, Katsuma Miyachi, Takaaki Yamada, Satoru Nakata, Sari Ipponjima, Terumasa Hibi, Tomomi Nemoto, Masahiko Tanaka, Ryo Suzuki, Naohide Hirashima 2018 Epidermal
Title Year
CELLnTEC Catalog 2023 Download

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