3 publications

Title Authors Year Tissue type Products
Delineation of a cellular hierarchy in lung cancer reveals an oncofetal antigen expressed on tumor-initiating cells. Damelin M, Geles KG, Follettie MT, Yuan P, Baxter M, Golas J, Dijoseph JF, Karnoub M, Huang S, Diesl V, Behrens C, Choe SE, Rios C, Gruzas J, Sridharan L, Dougher M, Kunz A, Hamann PR, Evans D, Armellino D, Khandke K, Marquette K, Tchistiakova L, Boghaert ER, Abraham RT, Wistuba II, Zhou BB. 2011 Airway CnT-23
Distal Airway Stem Cells Yield AlveoliIn Vitro and during Lung Regenerationfollowing H1N1 Influenza Infection Pooja A. Kumar, Yuanyu Hu, Yusuke Yamamoto, Neo Boon Hoe, Tay Seok Wei, Dakai Mu, Yan Sun, Lim Siew Joo, Rania Dagher, Elisabeth M. Zielonka, De Yun Wang, Bing Lim, Vincent T. Chow, Christopher P. Crum, Wa Xian, and Frank McKeon 2011 Airway CnT-23
Extracellular calcium-sensing receptor mediates human bronchial epithelial wound repair Milara J, Mata M, Serrano A, Peiró T, Morcillo EJ, Cortijo J. 2010 Airway CnT-17, CnT-23