Primary human keratinocytes growing in CnT-PR medium. Day 5 after seeding.

Primary Human Epidermal Keratinocytes

Primary human epidermal keratinocytes isolated in CnT-Prime media benefit from the presence of PCT factors that help establish as many proliferative progenitors as possible in culture.

Prime media also extend longevity of keratinocytes, and importantly also extend the number of doublings during which the cells retain the ability to complete challenging processes such as 3D differentiation.

Keratinocytes are available from three main donor types:


MPEK long-term mouse keratinocytes, stained for cadherin adhesion molecules

Long-Term Animal Keratinocytes

Long-term keratinocyte cultures are spontaneously immortalised cells, that are provided at approximately passage 30.

Keratinocytes are available from mouse strain C57BL/6. These cells retain the ability to differentiate extensively.

Canine long-term keratinocytes are also available.